SMARTLAND is a Consortium founded in 2020 by:


It is governed by a “Managamente comitee”  and has a Scientific Technical Committee in which there are representatives of the university and private entrepreneurs.

Smartland is involved in Research, Innovation & Technological Transfer aimed at full process control, high quality assurance of products and services, introduction of innovative design and planning criteria, optimized use of land resources for sustainable development.

Smartland aims to encourage the processes of integration in the international tourism market, promote economic, commercial, industrial and financial cooperation, implement the process of expansion in foreign markets of the member companies of the culture and tourism supply chain in the Veneto region.

Smartland aims to facilitate the development of its supply chain by promoting more digital management of services. With this goal, it promotes and supports collaboration with start-ups and academic spin-offs that can offer innovative products and services with high technological value.


Smart Destinations in the Land of Venice, Mission 2026

“SMARTLAND – Smart Destinations in the Land of Venice, Mission 2026” is part of the Regional Innovative Networks referred to in the regional law. Veneto n.13/2014 and is a system of public and private businesses and entities that operate in multiple sectors of the economy and tourism.

The common objective of all the companies in its supply chain is to update and innovate their strategic business models also through the use of technologies and the digital development of processes and products to present themselves on the national and international market through current and innovative tourist experiences and services.

The 4 core values:

Strategic innovation

Our challenge

Smartland meets the great challenge of the technological transformation that has changed the market. In tourism in particular, technological advances have changed the way people travel, requiring companies to innovate their business model and the type of experience they offer. Smartland’s main goal is to create new value chains and business ecosystems

Smartland is open to at all activities in the tourism supply chain: accommodation and catering, art, culture, manufacturing, agri-food, intermediation, carriers, rental and information services, insurance, banks, shopping, event organisers, ICT, local promotion organisations. (DMO, DMC)

Our mission

Technological developments have transformed the way tourism is approached and organized, the dynamics of research, interaction with businesses, and the experiential expectations of tourists. This change goes beyond improving procedures or the tourism experience: it implies a real transformation of the entire tourism sector that points to the improvement of procedures, service to the public, customer relations, and the creation of new business models.

Smartland’s goal is to support the entire supply chain in the process of innovating these models, changing the system of relationships, to move from the logic of the “value chain,” intra-supply chain, to that of the “value network,” inter-supply chain, and thus facilitate a paradigm shift in tourism destinations: from “package” to “algorithm.”

Company profile